June 27, 2012

Wordless Wednesday: Serena


  1. I'd say she's definitely an amazing athlete!

  2. Such an amazing blend of strength, grace and beauty - Happy WW!
    Thanks for visiting the birds & the beads

  3. Wow, so much strength. Happy WW!

  4. What a physique. Strength is beautiful.

  5. Wow! She's about to smack the heck out of that ball!

  6. She is something else and speaking of amazing atheletes at the top of their games, has anyone heard that Marion Jones is broke?

    I think thats a tragedy and hope that Serena is protecting and growing her millions.

  7. What a body! She´s gorgeous.

  8. Shew I haven't played nor watched tennis in ages. Happy WW.

  9. she's got talent and beauty!

  10. Great photos. Happy WW.

    Smiles and Blessings,

    Angel Mama ():)

  11. i hope she does well @ Wimbeldon

  12. Amy, Lavender, HomeMom3, Sandy - I concur with the descriptions of AMAZING, STRENGTH, GRACE & BEAUTY that you used in your comments!

    Tania - Baby got back is an understatement!

    peace, Villager

  13. Benin - I did hear about Marion Jones being broke. Do you remember how 'hot' she was as an athelete back at the Sydney Olympics. She never tested positive for drugs ... but, her choice of men (two of whom were banned from sports because of drugs) tainted her very much. That being said ... how do you go from having as much as she had just a few years ago to being broke today?

    peace, Villager

  14. Tegdirb92, Babs, ExpatMom, Mousey - amazing, beautiful and gorgeous are right on point in describing Serena. Can you believe that some of the women in my office feel that she is too big/fat? I think that they feel she will grow into a heavy woman in middle age. I dunno ... she looks right on time to the Villager!

  15. Jarid/Caydon - Serena will make you wanna turn your television set on this week during Wimbledon!

    peace, Villager

  16. Fit and fabulous! Great roll model for those who think "skinny" looks good. Happy WW!

  17. Gotta echo the other commentaries on the beauty of her strength. What no rhino?

    As always...

  18. Thank goodness womens tennis hasn't degenerated into the kind of boring games so much of the mens game has. Nice WW.

  19. She is one talented lady.

    Thanks for visiting my blog!

  20. She can sure play tennis. Great WW post. Have a great day. :)

  21. Isn't it great that she is not a size 2 and she is still beautiful!!

  22. I love the fact that she's a woman of color, not a size 0 and kicks hiney.....

    You Go Girl!

    Thank you for sharing!

  23. Hmmmmmm, let me guess, your a Serena fan??? lol Happy WW and thanks for stopping by:)

  24. If I could leave a wordless comment, I would.

  25. I can't say here how I feel about Serena....that should say enough.

  26. I can only thisn of Poise and Presence as adjitives for this powerhouse and genuinely nice person

  27. Mahalo for your visit. I came back to visit ya again, and I see this wonderful photo of one of my all time favorite tennis stars.

  28. I showed your pics of Serena to the hubby. I won't repeat what he said, but he was very appreciative . . . LOL!


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