October 22, 2007

Blogging While Brown Conference

I have only been a blogger since January 2007. When I first entered the blogosphere the only blogger that I knew was my sister. Over the past few months I have enjoyed the exchange of ideas with bloggers of all nationalities, politics and geography. With one or two exceptions ... every blogger that I've met has been through my computer screen ... out here in cyberspace.

Perhaps it is time for us to meet face-to-face?!

The 2008 Blogging While Brown conference is my opportunity to meet some of these talented brothers and sisters in the so-called real world. The Electronic Village plans to attend this conference next year. Early Registration is now open for Blogging While Brown 2008. In the spirit of Ujamaa I plan to take advantage of the $100 early registration rate. It will never get less expensive!

The purpose of the event is to give Bloggers of Color an opportunity to meet each other for the first time, discuss current issues affecting Bloggers of Color, and learn about the latest technology that will assist them with publishing their work.

Blogging While Brown was created in response to widespread dissatisfaction with the amount of diversity in some of the largest blogging conferences. A critical mass of Bloggers of Color have yet to attend these established conferences, however the initial response from Bloggers of Color to the idea of holding their own conference has been overwhelmingly enthusiastic.

Bloggers of Color are excited about a conference, for, by and about them and look forward to moving beyond the single panel or discussion focusing on diversity that are typically featured at some of the larger blogging conferences.

The conference is in Atlanta, GA on July 25-27, 2008. The host hotel is the Hilton Atlanta Downtown. Pass this on to your friends and readers.

Those of you that share your village voices by posting comments on the Electronic Village are just as important as I am to the growing success of our online community. As such, this invitation to attend the 2008 Blogging While Brown conference is open to any of the active villagers that come here regularly.

Stay tuned! I understand that the Conference Planning Committee will provide guidelines for workshop suggestions and facilitator proposals in the near future. Get on board now because 2008 will be an amazing year for bloggers! Blogging While Brown is the first international conference for, by, and about Bloggers of Color and the readers who love and comment on them.

Will you be in attendance?


  1. Omodudu - It would be great to have a large number of AfroSpear bloggers in attendance. I'm going to work towards earning blogging income over the next few months to pay for the trip.

  2. I am already registered. I look forward to meeting you!!!

  3. Carmen - You are currently ranked #81 on the Black Blogger list. I look forward to meeting you and the other prolific brothers and sisters in the blogosphere! I am grateful to be your colleague in The AfroSpear!

  4. I would love to attend if I am in the US at that time but I certainly would not be able to finance a trip just to attend the conference. Nonetheless well done for organising it in advance.

  5. Sokari - Consider reaching out to the conference organizers about possibility of video streaming or some other creative way to get bloggers who are not physically able to attend an opportunity to participate. Just a thought...

  6. i live in the ATL... but considering my hectic travel schedule, i'd be crazy to plan to attend something in July! i'll put it on my calendar and try to save some time to attend... and i'd love to meet others from the AfroSpear while there!


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