January 3, 2008

Iowa Victory Speech * Barack Obama

I am sharing this video for any of you that did not to see this speech live. History was made on January 3, 2008 in Iowa when Barack Obama won the Democratic primary. I think that many of us will look back to this moment with great pride in our country. Anyhow, I hope you enjoy listening to a true statesman in action....


  1. It was a great victory in Iowa. Now on to New Hampshire. This is energizing and uplifting.

  2. This was not only a great victory for African Americans, but for America as a whole. Barack Obama represents a breathe of fresh air for our political system. In my opinion, his "inexperience" in an executive position is precisely what is needed for our country in these difficult times. The past eight years have set our country back a great deal, and he is the man that can get our country back on track. HOPE LIVES!!

  3. Eddie & James - Truly a remarkable moment in our history. Methinks that Obama rides the wave of momentum to victories in New Hampshire, South Carolina (50% of the democratic primary voters are Black) and Nevada. That would seem to be a devastating start of the voting contest for Clinton and Edwards. Anyhow, thanks for sharing your village voice!

  4. The Clinton hegemony is going down. On to New Hampshire!!!

  5. Okay Villager, even my cynical self has to marvel not at the win but how he won.

    People usually throw away young voters, but they showed up. He got the independents to come out. He didn't battle over a piece of the pie, he made the pie larger and THAT is why all these folks saying a Black man can't be elected president in this country is wrong.

    You are dealing with a country where many, like me, are tired of the same ole' same ole. If my only choices are Obama and Clinton, then I have to go with the candidate that ain't Hillary.

    I still think his administration will ignore the unique concerns of the African American community, but as an American, I can't stomach the idea of a monarchy and more of the same in Washington. I don't think and Obama administration will ignore the concerns any more that that of a republican. administration.

    I still am going to keep taking abut their silence on Dunbar Village.

    But watch Bill Clinton burn lots of bridges in the Black community trying to take out obama. it is about to get UGLY!

  6. MartinI'm not sure that I know what hegemony means (smile) ... but, I agree that Clinton is going down. I hope that she enjoys being senator of New York as that is what she will continue to do for many years to come.

  7. Gina - I appreciate your village voice on this one. I'm not sure if you had a chance to read (or listen to the book-on-tape) from Obama's first book about his upbringing. Reading that book is what pushed me over the top as a supporter of this brother for office.

    I do think that he is an unusual politician with ability to bring many of us together under the moniker of "American". I think that he can give each of us a reason to be proud of our POTUS again. It has been a long time since we've had a good feeling about the occupant of the White House.

    Even those of us that liked Bill Clinton still had a difficult time with the way that his personal failings overshadowed his political instincts and accomplishments during his second term in office.

    Obama gives all of us a chance to get it right. I agree that Hillary and Edwards will turn negative and ugly in the coming weeks ... but, it is too late. The genie is out of the bag ... and more and more Americans of all stripes will be giving Obama a good look.

    I'm sorry that i missed your podcast on 1/3/2008. That was a great idea!

    peace, Villager

  8. Oh man, I watched that speech live and had the strangest feeling that I was witnessing history. Should he go on to the presidency, people will be watching and studying that speech in their English classes.

  9. Woozie - Did you also see his speech at the 2004 Democratic National Convention? I guess that we all should have known something from that first introduction of Barack Obama to the public consciousness.

    Anyhow, I agree that his speech earlier this week in Iowa was amazing. As my Mom said, "he's doing that without any notes".

  10. I am just so grateful that Hillary was put into third place.

  11. Danielle - Yes, the results in Iowa were satisfying on a number of levels ... including the fact that Hillary came in third place. It must also be rewarding for you as a Kucinich supporter to realize that he outlasted two more candidates ... Biden and Dodd ... who both pulled out of the race last week.

  12. Villager, I posted the speech on my blog too! We are witnessing history!

  13. Teach - I see that Obama is getting a tremendous bounce in his poll numbers as a result of the Iowa results. It appears that he could win by double-digits in New Hampshire. Mrs. Clinton appears to be getting very desperate.

  14. Looks as if John Kerry is announcing his endorsement of Obama in a rally today! This will give Obama even more power. : )

    What I would like to see the most after Hillary's shameful fearmongering stunt (http://youtube.com/watch?v=7BB4Vvgn_4k) in NH is for her to lose the NY primary to Obama.

    Anon from NY

  15. Anon from NY - All of us are coming to understand that the Clintons truly don't like to lose. Bill and Hillary truly feel that the presidency is something that they have earned and deserved. That is the reason she broke down in tears in New Hampshire ... and that very moment she was worried about all her plans and plots to become presidency were tumbling down.

    Now that she got the victory in New Hampshire she will be doubly hard to beat ... especially in her adopted home state of New York.

    At this point, the best thing we can do is ensure that we are registered to vote!


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