February 27, 2008

800th Blog Joins Villager's Black Blog Rankings

We hit a milestone earlier this month! L.A. Stylin' became the 800th blog added to the Villager's Black Blog Rankings. Kathy W owns & operates this blog that focuses on entertainment news from Los Angeles. Many of you recall that we began this journey with only 75 blogs on the list. In just a few months that number has skyrocketed to 800. We are grateful to all of you that support this effort.

If any of you are creative ... I would like to create a button or a badge that folks can display if they are on the Villager's Black Blog Rankings. Any creative ideas that you can share with me?


  1. WOW!! Congrats to you Villager!! From 75 to 800 is an astounding accomplishment! You are doing a great job of bringing African American bloggers together! I am honored to have been part of this milestone!

    Congrats again!

  2. Whatever you do, don't put Farrakhan on the button. Something simple, with black, red, and green color scheme.

  3. Nice. I think you should incorporate the rhino.

  4. Regina - Asante sana! There are new ones being discovered every week. The new list will be posted on Saturday!

    Woozie - I like the red, black & green color scheme suggestion...

    Marleaux - It will definitely have a rhino in it somehow...

  5. Villager I don't know if you realize how big of an accomplishment that is because it is a HUGE accomplishment to me. That gotta be a record of some sort and I believe you are a great spokesperson for black bloggers everywhere. You really encourage us to keep on keeping on.

    I didn't know of any other black bloggers (besides the usual entertainment bloggers) until I found you so thanks for creating a wonderful MOVEMENT Villager! :)

    I can't wait to see the button - I don't have any suggestions but just make sure it stands out. I do second Woozie's suggestion. I can't wait to display it on my page :)

  6. Congratulations! That's really wonderful news. You must be so happy.

    Thank you for visiting A Picture Tells

  7. Love Books - Thank you very much for visiting with us. I hope you will come back often...

    Deidra - I appreciate your kind words and your consistent support. It is nice to have such a diversity of Black blogs out in the world for us to visit...

  8. Congratulations!

    You've open the eyes of many on the web regarding the power of Black people on the web. We are moving forward and ahead.

  9. Very impressive to have 800 blogs listed. I wish I had the skills to make you a button.

  10. Urban Thoughts - Asante sana! It is a challenge to keep the list updated as it continues to grow. I made a big mistake when I first set it up and I keep procrastinating on fixing my error. Perhaps I'll find time to do the correction next month...

    Los Angelista - I am confident that someone with those skillz will come along and offer their assistance. Patience is a virtue...

  11. Congrats... but dang what I gotta do to be 801...LOL!

  12. Eb the Celeb - Your three blogs are all included on the Black Blog Rankings.

    1. Renaissance Black Woman is BBR #140

    2. Jonesin' is BBR #427

    3. Sportz-N-Album Cutz is BBR #493

    Feel free to add our village to your blogroll if you have time or inclination...


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