April 18, 2008

New AfroSpear Member * Hawa Bond (Fackin Truth)

Please join me in welcoming the newest member of The AfroSpear! Hawa Bond created Fackin Truth: Two Cents of My Hot Air (BBR #541) in April 2006. She was accepted into The AfroSpear earlier this morning.

Upon joining The AfroSpear, Sis. Bond wrote, "I am a daily reader at the AfroSpear blog, and I've read the mission statement more than once. I seek to become another black mind... a single piece of the collective... dedicated to a human-minded (as opposed to race-minded) future - real enough to understand that this may be an ideal - but strong enough to endure a fight for the possibility."

Villagers, please share some love with this new AfroSpear contributor as she becomes the latest story to be told in the AfroSpear history.


  1. Welcome to the Afrospear Hawa! Looking forward to your voice being added to the collective.

    DP (www.therealready.blogspot.com)

  2. Congrats Hawa! Much Love Girl!

  3. Welcome! Great blog...looking forward to getting to know you better, Ms. Hawa!

  4. Hi there Villager!
    Congrats and Welcome Hawa! I'll be by later to check out your site!

    Peace & Love

  5. Congratulations Hawa! Be proud and be strong as you continue the race all the while being "human-minded!"

    That's just freakin' brilliant! I like your drum beat.

  6. It is remarkable to watch the growth of The AfroSpear. There are some truly talented bloggers out there...

    peace, Villager


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