June 16, 2008

Darfur: Nationwide Day of Action on June 20

I encourage all villagers to join the Nationwide Day of Action on June 20. Please join Dream for Darfur and Save Darfur Coalition for a nationwide protest against the silence of Olympic corporate sponsors on the Darfur crisis.

To mark United Nations World Refugee Day on June 20, students, activists, and community leaders in cities across the country are gathering at the stores and headquarters of sponsors that have failed to address the Darfur genocide - despite their responsibility as stakeholders of the Olympics. Click here to attend an event in your community.


  1. I'll surely join others on June 20. My Fridays are usually reserved for OSF and only OSF! But I can certainly do both for this cause!
    Peace & Love

  2. Hello there,

    Black Women Blow The Trumpet will join in this effort!

    My blog has covered the crisis in the Congo, Darfur and Liberia...

    Thank you for this announcement! I am honored and pleased to participate in raising awareness!

    Peace, blessings and DUNAMIS!

  3. Regina & Lisa - It is wonderful that powerful bloggers such as yourselves will share information on Darfu with your blog readers this week. We each must do what we can, with what we have to help the brothers and sisters being oppressed in Darfur...


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