June 17, 2008

Share the Love Award

I am honored to accept the Share the Love Award from one of the 'Original Villagers' -- Danielle of Modern Musings.

The 'Sharing The Love' Award, was created by Blogger Crystal at “Memoirs Of A Mommy” blog, in honor of donor who saved her one month old’s life a year ago. Cyrstal’s son Noah celebrated his first birthday thanks to someone who gave the gift of life.

In Crystal’s own words, here are the rules of the Share the Love Award:

“Share this award with all those blogs out there that you love. All the people who make you smile. All those that make you laugh. All those that make your day. All those that leave uplifting comments on your blog.

**All I ask, is that you include a link to this post with the award and ask your recipients to do the same**

I created this award in
Honor Of The Donor That Saved Noah’s Life. I share this award with those of you whose love and friendship have enriched my life and made my world a better place.I hope by passing this award around the blogging world we can all help raise awareness of the need for Organ Donation.”
It is in that spirit that I share the love with…

  1. Aaron Laramore, creator of A Political Season - This young brother has a powerful and analytical mind that it lets run loose on politics as it impacts on people of African descent. His blog is not for the weak-minded.

  2. Invisible Woman, creator of Black Cinema At Large - A very creative sister with experiences, perspectives and commentary on all things related to Black folks in television and movies. I haven't quite figured out if she loves or hates Terrance Howard!

  3. Janet Shan, creator of Black Political Thought - Her political commentary and analysis is second-to-none. She uses her blog to battle the wanton violence in her native Chicago. Finally, I appreciate her recent decision to use images, photos and such in her hard-hitting blog posts!

  4. Plez Joyner, creator of plezWorld - I appreciate this brother for two main reasons. First, he made commitment to post a blog on each and every day of this year! Second, he is a committed AfroSpear volunteer that maintains the group's automated blogroll.

  5. Regina, creator of Regina's Family Seasons - Regina made an organizational decision recently that saddened me very much. However, I came to realize that her support of my blog through her comments and her consistently positive and uplifting messages on her own blog are both aspects of her that I cherish. I'm proud to be able to share this award with her.

Anyhow, I encourage all villagers to check out these five blogs. Join me in sharing some love with these talented brothers and sisters! What say u?


  1. Hello there!

    Congratulations on the award!

    Peace, blessings and DUNAMIS!


  2. Lisa - Asante sana! I hope you and others have chance to visit with the five blogs that I shared this award with in this post...

  3. Wayne, thanks for the props! You are a trooper and I have learned a great deal from you! Congrats on the award.

  4. villager,

    i am speechless! thanks for the accolades! your blog is the BOMB and i derive inspiration from trying to be like you.

    your work with the AfroSpear is appreciated and i'm glad that i can contribute to the effort in my small way... THANKS AGAIN!!!


  5. Janet & Plez - I hope that many of the villagers take time to go by and visit your blogs! I look forward to seeing who you decide to share the award with next...

  6. aaawww, Villager I am a little misty over here. I feel so honored that you choose to bless me with this award but I think I am really touched by the fact that my "organizational" move affected someone other than myself. I didn't honestly think I would be missed ...
    Your blog has been a blessing to me and truth be told what I was searching for in the organization I find in the Village, so thank you and enjoy your award because for all that you do you surely deserve that and more!

  7. Regina - Just keep doin' what you do sista! As an aside, are you going to the BWB conference in Atlanta later this month?


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