June 23, 2008

Tasered Pregnant Woman Found 'Not Guilty'

We have some great new information to share with villagers on the seven-months pregnant woman tasered by police in Trotwood OH last year. A jury in western Ohio found 33-year old Valreca Redden not guilty of resisting arrest and obstruction of official business.

Trotwood police officer Michael Wilmer showed remarkably poor judgement during confrontation that last November when Redden came to the police department to see about giving up her one-year-old son. An investigative police report said Redden refused to answer questions about herself and the boy and disobeyed Wilmer's order not to leave.

The jury spent less than three hours in deliberation before telling the Trotwood police department that they were wrong. Wilmer was a probationary police officer in the Dayton suburb. He was fired the following month for unrelated reasons.

Hopefully this verdict will allow Mr. Redden to continue on the road to a blessed and positive life for herself and her children.


  1. I know it's off-topic, but the exploitation (and wrongful arrest) has to end.

    Didn't know if you saw it. A petition has started regarding the R. Kelly verdict.

    Full details (and badge) from a post I just put up.

    10,000 Signatures for R. Kelly petition


  2. Fredric - Never off-topic to share good information. I'll come by and check out the full details later this evening. Are you on Facebook? If so, please share this information in the Afrosphere Bloggers Association group if you have time or inclination...

  3. Glad to hear this, did she wind up keeping her kids?

  4. I remember this story from last year. That is when police were on a tasering rampage; they would taser anything with two legs.

    :::Marcus LANGFORD:::

  5. Mike - I haven't heard anything about her kids being taken from her. I imagine that she rec'd a lot of support after the taser incident.

    Marcus - Yeah, police were very taser-happy last year...

  6. that was what i wondered myself - if she was able to keep her kids.

  7. Don - I still haven't heard anything one way or the other about the unborn child or her other children...


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