June 4, 2008

Wordless Wednesday: McCain is Next!

Thanks Aaron!


  1. This is the culmination of the work of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Marcus Garvey, Rosa Parks, Malcolm X, Thurgood Marshall, Johnnie Carr and so many other heroes of the civil rights struggle and even the fight of people such as Frederick Douglass and Booker T. Washington. Great moment in our history and we should all be proud.

  2. Words cannot even describe my feelings...what an amazing moment in time!

  3. Janet & Teach - Amen! 'Yes He Can!...

    Ms. Marvelous - This is a tremendous day ... when your words come back ... share them with us!

  4. what a great day to be alive, indeed.

    check out the pic of both of them dapping it up before he makes his speech over on our site.

    michelle and barack dap it up

  5. Wasn't that moment when he claimed victory just one of the most spiritual you've ever had? I literally could not speak. It was real, it was palpable and it it just reached through the television and grabbed you.

    What a pleasure it is to live to witness this experience.

  6. The truthiz, I am still blown away by it all_it was Amazing!!!

    Seeing the sacrifices, Hopes and Dreams of Dr. King and ALL of the "warriors", Believers and dreamers who came before Us being realized in THIS day is personally beyond anything I've ever imagined!

    To borrow Sheila's word_for me this whole thing has begun to have a "Spiritual" feel to it, in that PERHAPS it is Barack's "Divine" destiny to become the first person of Color to become the President of the United States?!

    We shall see.

  7. Shelia - Only thing that would have been better is to have seen Serena hoist up that French Open trophy (sigh). Is that tournament still going on?

    YBP - Obama sez that the fist-bump was one of the best moments of the night for him.

    Truthiz - Truth to tell (pun intended!), I think that Obama will have a easier time in his battle against John McCain than he did in his battle against Edwards, Clinton and the others...

  8. LOL, yes Villager Roland Garros is STILL going on. But there's been an incredible turning point. Frenchman Gael Monfils has stormed out of the back of the pack and is in the semifinal tomorrow against Roger Federer. I am just beyond thrilled. He's a 21-year old who was a rock star in the juniors, but had not been able to turn that into a pro tour status. Well, it appears that he has turned the corner at this open. He is the star of the tournament right now. Being a native Parisian, they are thrilled beyond measure. And I am just elated to see a Black tennis pro prevail no matter where they hail from.

    The ladies game just sucks at this point, I won't even discuss it.

    And I totally agree with what you shared with Truthiz, Bill and Hillary tag teaming Obama was far more of a mission that McCain alone.

  9. 6/05/2008 Hi. I'm the new girl in the blogosphere. Come read my new article, "Hillary As McCain's VP? That's My Prediction, and How Intentional Blindness Will Affect The Race".

    Excerpt: Hillary ain't going away. No way, no how. If Obama doesn't make her VP or offer another juicy job to her liking, I think she'll defect to the GOP and become McCain's running mate.

    My reasoning is that Hillary is brutally ambitious and given to situational ethics... In West Virginia and Kentucky, Hillary fed the white poor the coded language of racism like it was white bread crumbs to birds who would rather starve than dine on just-as-wholesome black bread.


  10. to paraphrase Michelle Obama, "for the first time in my adult life, plezWorld is proud to be an american!"


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