July 29, 2008

New AfroSpear Member: Raw Dawg Buffalo

We are proud to announce a new member into The AfroSpear. Our newest member is Torrance Stephens who created his blog, Raw Dawg Buffalo (BBR #22), on 10/9/2005. The passion that Torrance placed into publication of his novels over the years is on display in his blog.

Bro. Stephens is known for brevity in his comments. When asked how he saw the purpose of the AfroSpear, Torrance answered, "scholarship".

When asked how his blog would support that purpose, he said, "intellectual diversity".

Please join us in welcoming All-Mi-T into The AfroSpear family!


  1. I've yet to join AfroSpear, I think it's time!

  2. Dara - Your call on whether or not you think you're ready. We'll be in cyberspace waiting on ya'!

  3. good look folk, i aint get no email had to stumble here thanks jones, see u next time u in the atl

  4. Torrance - What is preferred name you want me to address you by here in cyberspace?

    Anyhow, welcome to Kinfolk Torrance ... or All-Mi-T ... or Raw Dawg Buffalo!

  5. I came across this brothers page, and I've been impressed as I have been with what Electronic Village is all about.

    Thanks for bringing that shining light to the darkness that is my cyberworld existence. I'm kinda new around here, and I'm definitely lovin it.

  6. Hi there Villager!
    "T" is an awesome asset to the Spear, He has a mind like no other(I am a little biased since he was also a guest blogger for me a few weeks ago!!)! I think he has much to add to the organization!

  7. Regina - I'm still trying to get my head around 'T's unique language (smile) ... however, his commentary and analysis on issues is very cogent and powerful. I agree that he is a remarkable addition to The AfroSpear...

    RiPPa - I appreciate you for adding your village voice on this and other posts. There are many powerful Black voices ... including yours ... in the afrosphere. It's up to us to share the 411 with our blog readers whenever we have a chance to do so...


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