July 11, 2008

Old School Friday: Revolution

The theme for this week's Old School Friday meme is 'Old School Hip Hop'. The theme brings back memories for me. Back in the day, I was a radio DJ at the University of California, Riverside. I was known as the 'Wizard of Soul & Mind'.

Hip Hop was known as Rap back then. Sugarhill Gang, Kurtis Blow, Furious Five, LL Cool J, UTFO, Whodini, Kool Moe Dee, MC Lyte and many others began to explore this new genre of music.

In my view, these brothers and sisters were standing on the shoulders of others who emphasized words and rhymes with their music many years earlier. Do y'all remember Gil Scott-Heron or The Last Poets? If not, then consider this my contribution to your musical education.

Gil Scott-Heron * 'The Revolution Will Not Be Televised'

The Last Poets * 'Niggaz Are Scared of Revolution'

If you don't know ... you betta ask somebody!


  1. Lol, you went left of center with your picks, I like that.

  2. I had never hear The Last Poets, I would expect nothing less from you Wayne!!
    You know I love GSH! (Lets pray that the revolution is televised in November...)

  3. I was going to post The Revolution then I thought I would girlcott OSF because of the direction Hip Hop has gone. I haven't decided.

    I enjoyed both. The Husband has The Last Poets on vinyl; he was a radio DJ in the 70s.

  4. I have never The Last Poets, but I have learned, today! Thanks!

  5. these are definatley way b4 my time, but i still enjoyed them

    have a great weekend

  6. I too haven't heard of the Last Poets but love me some Gil Scot Heron.

    Much love.


  7. I really appreciate these picks. I've heard of GSH and Last Poets and am glad you have featured them.

    Happy OSF Villager!

  8. THE LAST POETS? Awwww man...
    That takes a brother waaaayyy back..

    And you're right, rap truly does stand on their shoulders. In my opinion even more so than Gil Scott, who I'm also a huge fan of.

    Thanks, Villager!


  9. I'm right with you on these Villager...but, of course you already knew that! Before there was Hip Hop there was Rap and before there was Rap there was GSH and the LPs...truly back in the day...my day! Love it!

  10. "The Revolution Will NOt be Televised" i've always found that song intriguing. Nice, rare pics!

  11. You went OOOLLLLDDD School Wayne. I love it. The rappers today seemingly don't have a sense of history, and that the art form they're reaping the financial benefits from originated with a social purpose in mind.

    Great picks!

  12. Villager:

    Back when The Source was actually a thought-provoking, well-written, and RELEVANT magazine for hip-hop; I learned about the Last Poets and how they were basically the godfathers of modern day rap. I had only heard "The Revolution Will Not Be Televised". I never heard "Niggas are scared of a revolution" before. It is amazing to me how that song is still relevant today!! While listening to the song, I kept thinking about Bob Johnson, Tavis Smiley and Jesse Jackson and the whole Obama candidacy. I was also thinking of this excellent article I read on The Root today by Jack White "When the Man is One of Us". White says "We're not really ready for the day when The Man becomes a black man." The Last Poets definitely hit it on the head. Great choices! Happy OSF!

  13. Right now the "REVOLUTION" Is being televised!!

    ...cause it is happening..

    Great picks Wayne..


  14. Now, I know you played Gil Scot-Heron before. Last time on this blog someone said that GSH was Jill Scott's father and I googled for about an hour and couldn't find a thing. Is that true or did his name inspire her name?

    I loved this song, and because of you I added it to my ipod last time.

    The second song is deep, y'all just don't know. (Pardon the southern accent)...

  15. I didn't know The Last Poets had a video for that song. Where was I?? Thanks for this post.

  16. Hotep Villager,

    Ah! You trying to start something with this topic.
    REVOLUTION! That's something I know about.

    GSH is my life long musical love. So I will have to get busy.

    These are good picks. And so it the topic!

  17. You are always right on time!!!

    Happy OSF!

  18. All - Thanx for taking time to enjoy the flow here in our electronic village. I hope you will each support the LaVena Johnson online petition and share it with your blog readers as well...

    Kim - I appreciate your comments. I agree that the lyrics from The Last Poets are still relevant today...

    Mrs. Grapevine - GSH is in my Top 5 in terms of people I enjoy musically. I think that Jill Scott is *not* related to GSH...

  19. "Green Acres, The Beverly Hillbillies, and
    Hooterville Junction will no longer be so damned relevant...." - Classic Stuff!!


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