July 2, 2008

Wordless Wednesday: From There to Here!


  1. This image speaks volumes, I can't help but wonder if non-black individuals will look at images like this and those that are similar and feel fear; inplace of a sense of deep and abiding happiness.

  2. Jazzy - My hope is that all Americans (regardless of race or nationality) will feel pride at knowing that our nation is truly at a turning point in dealing with the issue of race. If a Blackman can become POTUS ... then we may find it easier to accept people of African descent as governors, senators, CEOs and neighbors...

  3. interesting post! I hope ur message is sent out there clearly, i guess it is looking at this image! mine's up at this link! Hope u can stop by...

  4. Very moving image! The sense of accomplishment is high, and there is so much further to go...

  5. I love it. brings tars to my eyes. I so hope he makes it. Would be nice for a change to have a president who was for freedom rather than exploitation!

  6. I only wish others gone before us, could see this now! This has taken too long!!! ps. I'm also speaking out for women!!!

  7. that's thought-provoking and very creative! yes, the message is clear :)
    Happy WW!

  8. My first response to this images was to wonder whether or not our ancestor could have imagined that a Black man would be a major party nominee for the presidency, just 40 years or so after the Civil Rights Movement.

    But then I realized that even I, as recently as early 2008, was barely able to imagine such a milestone taking place in my own lifetime.

  9. Ajuan - I think that GWC-Jr would have been very proud of the Obama campaign. I suspect he would be maxed out on his personal campaign contribution ... and he would be smiling every time he saw Obama on television...

  10. A creative picture with an important message.

  11. Powerful Villager, very powerful.

  12. It's an amazing thing, isn't it? This is without a doubt the most amazing thing I have lived to see.


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