August 14, 2008

9 Positive Health Tips for Afrikan Survival

The concept of the Electronic Village was created well before the Internet was active. In fact, we had a community known as the Black Experience Bulletin Board (BEBB) on the Prodigy interactive service back in 1995.

One of the frequent posters on BEBB was a powerful sister known as Khandi Paasewe. She was a truly Afrikan-centered sister working for the betterment of our people. I'd like to share the nine (9) health tips she shared with us back in 1995:
  1. Cut down on how much is eaten
  2. Develop an interest in health and nutrition
  3. Drink water water water water water and more water
  4. Fasting should be part of your weekly routine
  5. Invest in a juicer instead of a stereo system
  6. Remove sugar content foods (refined products)
  7. Replace dairy products w/ organic counterparts
  8. Replace junk foods with fruits, fruit juices and nuts
  9. Replace red meats w/ organic fish and chicken

It seems that these tips apply equally as well in 2008 as they did in 1995. What say u?

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