August 20, 2008

Million Father March

Villagers, I'm walking my son to school this morning. It is my commitment to support the Million Father March.

A father who actively participates in the educational and social development of a child's life is invaluable and irreplaceable. I'm told that children whose fathers take active roles in their educational lives earn better grades, get better test scores, enjoy school more and are more likely to graduate from high school and attend college.

Methinks that children have fewer behavior problems when fathers speak and listen to their children regularly and are active in their lives.

Even if there is a divorce or out-of-wedlock situations ... a good father should be part of a good parent team to create a strong family structure for the child(ren). After all, strong family structures produce children who are more centered, academically proficient, socially developed and are a valuable asset to their communities.

Basically, it seems that better parents produce better communities, better schools and better students.

For these reasons, I'm walking my son to school tomorrow morning.


  1. i take my son and daughter to school each day, a march aint no reason, we supposed to, aint we, think this can make the blog safari contours of a tragedy

  2. Hello there!

    When I read Torrance's comments, I was thinking the EXACT SAME THING!! Black women have been visibly showing their protection and support of their children's well-being for the longest! Now, black fathers need a campaign to do so?

    I can't tell you how many men I have met in the church who feel that they are "stellar parents" for carrying out the REGULAR duties of a father....doing homework with their children, spending time with their children daily, showing up at all of their children's school functions, emotionally supporting their children, protecting their children, being positive examples for their children, etc., etc....
    THAT doesn't describe the "ideal father" and that doesn't describe the "exceptional father"...that simplly describes the day-to-day duties of being a REAL father.

    I am happy to see this campaign being implemented ...but sad that it takes THIS to get fathers to do what they should have been doing all along.

    Peace, blessings and DUNAMIS!

  3. Villager!

    First of all, great post and even greater message.

    Secondly, is that your son in the picture? If so, good job! That's a fine-looking little man you've got there.

  4. I know it's a day late for your Sunday Inspirational series - but Church helps make better students, too.

    Check out this article posted on

    I testify that it's true

  5. RawDawg & Lisa - You are blessed if your situation allows you to be with your children each day. That is not the case for me. It is not the case for many fathers. Should it be this way? Probably not ... however, the issues surrounding child support system, courts and such make it difficult for well-meaning fathers to do the right thing, even if they want to. For those Black fathers (like mine) who are able to maintain successful marriages and create traditional nuclear family ... wonderful and props to you.

    For those of us that are struggling to do the right thing with children in different states or children that are non-custodial (to use court term) ... perhaps it takes a reminder such as this. In any case, it will be the first time that I've gone on the FIRST day of the school year with my son to his school. I'm looking forward to it as much as he is. Perhaps other villagers have different stories to tell on this matter.

    Keith - Yeah, that is young 'un ... although it is a picture from a couple of years ago.

    DN Lee - Excellent point! I need to do betta on that score as well (smile). I'll head over to see your post shortly...

  6. I was reading that same thing in an education journal recently. It doesn't matter what level of activity a father chooses (reading to your child's class, being a teacher's assistant for a day, helping keep the school grounds clean, helping with homework, reading at home, coaching sports). Those activities and many others all help because your kids see that you care. Great post.

  7. Hey dnlee, you're my homegirl! Always great to see somebody else in school a little later in life (LOL).

  8. All - I parked a few blocks away from his school. We locked the car and took off hand-in-hand to his elementary school. I told him stories about when I walked to my elementary school (Wilton Place Elementary in Los Angeles) back in the day. He pushed the button that claims to bring on the green 'walker' so we could cross the street safely. Once in the door I signed in to get visitor's badge ... then we were off to his room.

    Turns out that his regular teacher was sick today ... so we were met at the door by a substitute teacher.

    Young 'un gave me hug and a kiss and I left him to his educational future...

  9. Bless you for taking the lead. Your example is inspiring.


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