August 15, 2008

Old School Friday: Gil Scott-Heron

Mrs. Grapevine created a remarkable weekly meme known as 'Old School Friday'. The theme for this week is 'Political Songs'. My favorite political artist is Gil Scott-Heron. He laid it on the line after Gerald Ford gave a pardon to Richard Nixon in his spoken word piece known as 'We Beg Your Pardon'.

Of course, if you don't remember Watergate or Vietnam ... then you might not know what this brother is talking about!


  1. Okay I was trying to be earlier bird catching the worm and went with my man, Gil. Went to Detroit found Gil there. Now he is here again.

    Beautiful Friday for sure!

    Have a Blessed Weekend.

    Llght and Love all the day Long.

    Modern Musings’ OSF 09

  2. Hey Villager!

    This is hilarious, but it definitely speaks to Gil's influence. Come to find out this morning that both you and Danielle ALSO chose Gil. Guess it's hard not to think of this brother early when thinking about political music.

    On another topic right quick, are you still doing those 'Welcome to the Afrospear' posts? Yes, my friend I confess that this is a blatant hint...

  3. Happy OSF good pick, glad I stopped by here first, I was thinking about doing Gil he has such a large body of work to pick from.

  4. Yeah, my sister and I used to listen to "Angel Dust" by Gil Scott-Heron all the time.

    "Angel Dust...gonna be the death of you children - You won't remember what you're missing..."

  5. "The pardon you gave this time, was not yours to give." And he is so right.

    One of my favorites is 'Get Out Of The Ghetto' blues. Gil Scott will definitely open your mind.

    "The revolution will not be televised." ;-)

  6. LOL!! I started to post Gil but then I knew YOU would so I had to choose differently! I grew up on Gil, Awesome pick!
    Have a great weekend!

  7. Danielle - Politics, old school, music -- leads you to Gil Scott-Heron every time!

    Keith - I have four backlogged 'Welcome to AfroSpear' posts that are still due. Stay tuned!

    Mike, Paula - Gil Scott-Heron has much to choose from. Angel Dust did have mainstream appeal. He had a number of songs that dealt with drug use.

    Shae-Shae & Regina - Gil was definitely gonna be my choice once I knew the topic. I understand he was a popular choice this week...

  8. Hey Villager! Thanks for stopping by!

    Great choice for this week's OSF!

  9. Will do, Villager!

    Not to push, you understand. But getting a welcome shout out from the Village is, well, kinda cool, cuz.

  10. Thank God I passed history and I enjoy watching documentaries, I know exactly what he's talking about, and with Bush in office a lot of this we are re-living...(Scooter Libby, Wire Tapping, Fraudulent Patriotism & Wars)

    It's not nickel-bags anymore, it's crack, that's getting poor people locked up...

    He is too funny...John McCain is an "oatmeal man"...

  11. I knew you would have the GSH rocking over here today!

    Happy OSF!

  12. Hey there!!

    I am so happy that people still remember Gil Scott Heron. He was a friend of the family when I was a little tiny girl so I didn't know he was famous at the time!!
    Now...I know...


  13. Lisa - It is remarkable to think of the 'famous people' that we knew before they were famous ... or even while they were famous. My grandfather was good friends with Paul Robeson. Who knew?


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