August 27, 2008

Wordless Wednesday: Hillary Clinton Unites Democratic Party


  1. Yeah she finally decided to player her postion but damn if her husband aint stirring up the pot again.

    There two are the Terrel Owens of politics.

  2. Yes, she did in deed! Finally! I've got to give her props on this and a fist bump cause for the first time in how many months - she did the right thing. Now let's see what Bubba does.

  3. Yup...she couldn't have done a better job. I was so, so pleased. Now I'm holding my breath to get through Bill.

  4. Hey Villager.

    I agree Hillary did a good job. Just being picky, I think there were a few things that could have been better. For example, that Rocky Balboa-style video intro was waaaay over the top I felt. Simply too much. But her speech itself I thought was good and did what it was supposed to do, namely leave no doubt that she places party unity - and support of Obama - above her own issues.

  5. Mike - Billary and T.O. That is quite a combination (smile). As an aside, you just received a blog award from the Electronic Village. Come by and pick it up when you have a chance!

    Sojourner & June - I think that Bubba will do the right thing...

    Keith - I thought that the video was acceptable in light of her historic candidacy. Her speech was phenomenal and as you noted ... it overcame any reservations that we might have had about her in advance of her words...

  6. Finally, Hillary Clinton stopped using the mic for self-aggrandizement. Last night she demonstrated that she was actually a Democrat, and not just a Clintonite.

  7. Whether you voted for her or not, that's exactly what needed to come out of her mouth. Because I'm not sure we can survive Bush's Third Term.
    Great photo too.
    - Mojo

  8. It almost made me like her again, now that the primaries are over, I'm not so anti-Hillary anymore, I forget it's a competition, but Bill, I still no likey...

  9. Great choice for WW today … and congratulations on your Brilliante Blog award!
    Hugs and blessings,

  10. Ajuan, Mrs. Grapevine & Mojo - It was nice to see Hillary hit all the right notes in her speech. I look forward to her hitting the campaign trail in places like Pennsylvania, Ohio, Arkansas and Indiana to help Obama win this election...

    StoryTeller - Asante sana! It was an honor to receive the award. I hope that you have chance to visit the 7 folks that I shared the award with as well...

  11. Huuummmm, If you say so...

    She did all right but I think there were a few areas that could have been different. She never said that Obama is ready and prepared to lead the country and that was her biggest attack against him in the earlier stages. She also did a good job of solidifying in her supporters minds that she is better BUT he will have to do, by stating why SHE ran for President but know we need to unify the party!
    She didn't say pick him because he is the best person for the job she said pick him because we don't want McCain, but I'll be back in 2012!


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