September 16, 2008

Carly Fiorina Assessment: Palin and McCain Are Not Ready for Primetime

I respected what Carly Fiorina did as CEO of Hewlett-Packard. It saddened me that her ethical difficulties resulted in her early resignation from that lofty corporate position. She landed a plum gig as economic advisor for John McCain. She's been up close and personal with him for most of the past year. She has been on the inside with Sarah Palin since her selection as the Republican VP candidate.

She knows Palin and McCain. And she doesn't think that either of them have what it takes to run her old company. Here are two clips taken earlier today:

Villagers, if his own economic advisor says that neither McCain nor Palin are suited to run a technology corporation like HP ... what sense would it make to elect them to run America? What say u?


  1. Thanks for keeping us informed EV:)

    Ms. Fiorina is Spot On!

    In fact due to McCain selecting Gov. Sarah Palin as his Veep without having conducted a FULL Background Check (like they do with us LOL), I seriously question his ability to even make Sound Judgments.

    Conducting a THOROUGH Background Check on a Candidate, especially one vying for an Executive position, is one of the absolute FIRST things Ms. Fiorina would have done were she in McCain's shoes.

    Alaska Lawmakers (and other Officials) have told Reporters that they were NOT contacted to provide info. or references on Sarah Palin.

    This helps to prove that Senator McCain IS part of the "Good Ole' Boy" network, where they hire people (Friends) to fill Important Roles NOT based on Qualifications but on their Race or Association.

    Now not even his most Conservative Supporters feels comfortable with the notion of the Administration being placed in her hands were McCain to become incapcitated while serving as President.

  2. RB - Your analysis is absolutely on point. Palin's selection reflects poor judgement on McCain. I wonder if American voters are aware of it?

  3. That was very funny and also a darn shame. The campaign has cancelled her appearances on the airwaves. She will, essentially, be seen and not heard from now on. The sad reality is that she is absolutely right.

  4. To be fair, she also said that neither Obama nor Biden could run HP. On the other hand, several folks have have pointed out that *she* couldn't run HP either - insiders had been trying to get rid of her and her ineffective, authoritarian management style for quite a while before she was eventually given the boot.

  5. Janet - I hadn't heard about her demotion by McCain. He seems to be surrounded by silly folks such as the guy who said that McCain invented the Blackberry...

    Baba Doodlius - Welcome! It is a please to have a new village voice. Yes, she did lump them all together ... however, you'd expect her to target Obama or Biden. The surprise was that her arrogance led her to denigrate her bosses...


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