September 14, 2008

Palin's eBay Story: What Actually Happened

"That luxury jet that came with the office... I put it on eBay!"

It's one of Sarah Palin's favorite lines on the campaign trail, repeated with such frequency that it has already become a catchphrase of the general election. As Governor of Alaska, she rid the state of an unnecessary jet using a creative and cost-effective online measure.

What is left unmentioned is that Palin didn't come up with the idea to sell the plane using eBay in the first place. Moreover, because of the unique purchasing terms of the aircraft -- which required the state to make payments amounting to $20,000 per month even if the jet wasn't in use -- the decision not to hire a broker to help sell the property appears in hindsight to have been a costly mistake.

You can see the full media story here.


  1. Its not rocket science, all Obama has to do is show how Mccain is not the Common man, especially if he can connect his historical economic views to the failing housing market. Palin and waffles and lipstick
    is a distraction because McCain has little substance

  2. RDawg - I agree that Obama should focus his guns on McCain. However, I also think that we need to ensure that our blog readers are fully vetted on Palin as well...

  3. Im already tired of this lady, way too many stories with her.

  4. Okay, so you showed us another angle.

    She never was the initiator of the selling of the jet, it's usual to do that sort of thing as read in the article linked.

    Furthermore, I can see how Ebay could fail at selling a high-ticket item and how a brokerage firm for specific items would be a better choice. Nevertheless, there’s no harm in trying on Ebay first though.

    Lastly, why don't we put ourselves under the same scrutiny of selling something earlier and/or finding a better resource do it through?

  5. Mike - We're hoping to get John McCain to stop hiding behind her skirts...

    Believer - We're not running to be one heartbeat away from the presidency. We need our politicians to be honest with us. Haven't we had enough of politicians like Bush-Cheney that lie to us. I, for one, want honesty ... and it appears that Sarah Palin is all too eager to shave the truth in order to seem like a gee-whiz wonder-woman...


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