October 12, 2008

Sunday Inspirations: In The Essence of Change

Sunday Inspirations is the meme to get help get us through the week ahead, the trials we may face, and yes, to say Thank Ya and testify! I hope that you participate and share with us your Sunday Inspirations.

It turns out that I have a cousin who I've never met in person. Her name is Faylita Hicks. She is a spoken word artist ... actress ... singer. Her spoken words hit home for me. I feel that many villagers may hear something in her words that resonate as well.

Anyhow, I thought it would be good to share them as part of the weekly Sunday Inspirations meme.


  1. I was watching an interview of Lynette Clemetson on C-SPAN today and found this magazine on line that you might enjoy if you didn't know about it before

    The Root

  2. Jamie - Thank you for taking time to share the link to The Root with me...

  3. Villager, how exciting it is to find a precious leaf of your family tree! Congrats! Wonderful and inspiring message. Much obliged for it and for stopping by this morning.

    I'd be much obliged if, you are so inclined, to use my good towels

  4. Sojourner - It is a blessing indeed. I hope to talk with her by phone sometime this week to share with her a copy of her family history from the genealogy database that I maintain...

    I'll catch out your "good towels" post shortly...


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