October 6, 2008

This Week in Blackness: Please Excuse This Sexual Harrassment

I never heard of the rap song that he talks about before today. I was surprised to see Jamie Foxx involved in it ... but, I can't begrudge a brother trying to get paid. Anyhow, I hope that the TWIB heads back into more political discussions ... at least through the next few weeks leading up to the November 4th election.

What say u?


  1. Thanks for the shout out sir! Don't worry. Episode 9(the latest ep) was a re-cap of VP Debate (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t7ntEXAn5oE).

    We're just trying to mix it up, but we're not trying to be completely silly either.

    Again, thanks for the mention! The support is much appreciated.

  2. Elon - Dayum! We actually get to hear the village voice of the on-air talent! I appreciate what you are trying to do. We'll keep sharing your flow with our villagers...

    Who is your greatest influence as a comic/satirist?

    peace, Villager

  3. Thank you sir!

    As for my greatest influence. I think I've been influenced by at least 5 or 6 comedians, like HARD. But the one who got me on board was Cosby. Bill Cosby, Himself is a brilliant piece of work.


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