October 1, 2008

Wordless Wednesday: Weight Watcher


  1. I'm not sure what to say. I always wonder when I see "anonymous" photos like this... Every time there's something on the news or a documentary regarding the obesity crisis, they will show a crowded street view of hundreds of overweight Americans... do the people recognize themselves in the crowd?

    Happy WW!

  2. Looks like you need a second chair there.

  3. I'm not going to make fun of this person. Who knows what is going on in their life or if they have a weight problem due to genetics or other issues. I wish her well.

  4. Not sure what the intent is with this photo. Kinda like posting a photo of a person with a disfigured face and titling it "Plastic Surgery". Poor taste but to each their own I guess.

  5. I hope she can lose some weight for her own good

  6. Oh My! (trying my best not to laugh out loud!) Happy WW!

  7. Poor thing

    My W W is posted...a bucking time! If you haven't stopped by to visit yet, come on over!!!

  8. How'd you get that photo of my butt?

  9. NOw I'd have to say that is the perfect Wordless Wednesday post, Villager. Because there are truly no words for that one...

  10. That's just nasty. There is something called personal responsibility for allowing oneself to get so big. The fast food restaurants do force people to eat their food. No-one has a gun to their heads. I am not skinny, but I do believe in eating right and working out six times a week. The person in that picture is a massive heartache waiting to happen.

  11. Sorry, I meant, the fast food restaurants do not force people to eat their food.

  12. Oooh chile. Don't let me end up as one of those folks they show from the hips down on a television report on obesity...

  13. I want to laugh, but...

    this picture scares me...a lot.

    I feel a mixture of compassion, disgust (which brings guilt) and fear.

    I'm thinking: "thank god, I'm not that big." and "Wow, what if I got that big.", and "I cannot believe she is that big -- how did she get that big? -- poor lady."

  14. You know Ms. Villager that it isn't polite to take my picture and put it on your blog without letting me know. :-)
    Happy WW! Thanks for peeking in on my cats and for your nice comment.

  15. any BBR? I think I may have moved up. fingers crossed.

  16. Me thinks another chair may be needed.


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