November 10, 2008

Joe Scarborough Drops the F-Bomb on Live Television

Did you see Joe Scarborough drop the F-bomb this morning?

I imagine that Joe needs to be reminded that 'fuck' is one of the seven words that you can't say on television. Anyone remember the other six?


  1. Hi Villager,

    Oh please, he knows damn well that he said "f**k you" on national television. He's not that asleep, and he wasn't that sorry.

  2. The original words in the George Carlin routine (sensitive cover your eyes) were:

    shit, piss, fuck, cunt, cocksucker, motherfucker, and tits

    You can read the Supreme court transcript of the routine here

  3. Hey Villager.

    I'm with Shelia on this one. Joe's been in the business long enough to know how to control himself when he needs to. Those kinda "slips" don't happen unless you just don't give a...

  4. I always wonder why women were more offended by the word cunt than bitch.

    People hardly ever use that word any way.

  5. That wasn't no damn slip...that word flew out of his mouth so easily, like he was saying, "Hello..."

  6. Ehhhhh Mike, ??????????? Did I miss something, LOL.

  7. Shelia, Keith & Ms. Marvalus - I agree with you. The words slipped from his lip quite easily. He didn't even realize he had said it. I wonder what, if any, consequences we will see from it...

    Jamie - Joe has six more of the forbidden words to drop on his show in the future. Thanx for the link to the Supreme Court transcript...

    Mike - Both words are pretty offensive when used to describe someone...


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