November 28, 2008

Old School Friday: Stevie Wonder

I invite you to enjoy some 'grown-folks music'! Ms Grapevine and MarvalusOne have teamed up to create a weekly meme that we call, Old School Friday. It is our effort to post some music from the last millennium to relive some memories and to educate or just entertain each other.

The theme this week is 'Stevie Wonder music'. I have a tremendous amount of respect for Stevie Wonder because of the longevity of his career ... the social awareness of his music ... and his ability to overcome blindness.

However, I must admit that I've not always liked his music. So it was more difficult than I thought to make a selection for this week's OSF-meme. In the end, I realized that this is my favorite song by Stevie Wonder. Kick back and enjoy 'Superstition' with me...


  1. Wow! Stevie is one of the great geniuses of our time. I Love his music and this selection!

  2. Hey there!

    I absolutely LOVE Stevie! When I was a teeny little one, "Songs In The Key of Life" was major and all the "grown folks" played it at every barbeque and lawn gathering!!

    I posted "Black Man" at my blog on Father's Day and some people had not heard it!! I was floored...they were born in the 80s! *grins*

    Thanks for putting some shine on Steveland Morris...a wonder and a legend!!

    Peace, blessings and DUNAMIS!


    Happy Thanksgiving! I hope your daughter has her shopping shoes on today because this shopping day is a rite of passage!! *LOL*

  3. *gasps*
    Not like his music??? Wow!
    I too respect his genius!

  4. I with Regina! GASP!!! GASP!!! But, I ain't mad at you or nothing! LOL! Great pick!

  5. Not like Stevie?! Oh...

    ::hand over mouth::

    I love "Superstition"...thanks for sharing!

    I hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful!

  6. No matter where I am or what I'm doing if I hear this song I stop to get my grove on, even if I have to do it on the sly.

    Happy OSF

  7. Superstition is a wonderful song!

    This was the joint growing up in the 70's

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I invite you to visit this site about Stevie Wonder, videos, discography, music and more.Stevie Wonder Thank you

  10. Every time I watch him play I feel like going to music classes & learning to play an instrument. With the exception of Price, not many artists can make me feel like that. :)

  11. Oops, that was supposed to say Prince.

  12. Izzugaria - Thank you for sharing that link to Stevie Wonder information. I hope you find reason to come back to this blog more often in the future.

    All - Thank you for taking time to support the 'Old School Friday' meme. I hope to be more consistent in my support of this weekly meme each Friday...


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