December 23, 2008

This Week in Blackness: Barack Obama, Alan Keyes and the End of Racism

Elon James White has been offline for awhile. Actually, he's been online here and here ... but, he hasn't produced an episode of 'This Week in Blackness' for about a month or so. The brother is back ... and he is producing a 4-part review of the entire year in Blackness.

Elon correctly tells us that the key player in 2008 is Barack Obama. No surprise. After all, if Obama was Time Magazine Man of the Year ... so why not continue his role with the folks at TWIB.

Check out TWIB Episode #14 for yourself:

I'm not gonna go stalk the jackal otherwise known as Alan Keyes ... but, if he ever comes to Cincinnati then I might kick him in the gonads just to get on Elon's show! Anyhow, what was your favorite part of the show?

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