December 12, 2008

Two Charged with Murder in Brandon McClelland Dragging Death

A grand jury in the racially-troubled northeast Texas town of Paris returned first-degree murder indictments Thursday against two white men accused in the September dragging death of a Black man, and the prosecutor in the case said he is investigating whether to add hate-crime charges. [SOURCE]

Shannon Finley and Charles Ryan Crostley, both 27, face up to life in prison if convicted of charges that they murdered 24-year-old Brandon McClelland by running him over and dragging him beneath a pickup truck after the three went on a late-night beer run.

McClelland's mutilated and partially-dismembered body was found lying in the middle of a remote county highway. Local police initially dismissed the case as an ordinary hit-and-run.

The victim's mother said she was relieved to learn of the murder indictments.

"I'm glad to know that they won't sweep this under the rug," said Jacqueline McClelland. "Now I know that justice will get served and this family can get some rest and ease."


  1. This would be a good day to take off and play a round of golf in honor of Dr. George Grant (first black Harvard graduate) who patented a golf tee on this date. In a life filled with great accomplishments, this was a minor one.

  2. I am glad that justice looks like it might finally happen in this case.

  3. Jamie - Not sure how playing golf has anything to do with hate crime down in Paris, TX ... but, I appreciate you visiting with us anyhow (smile)!

    IrieGal - Nice to see your village voice as well. I agree with you ... justice looks to be moving forward in Jasper ... oops, I mean Paris, TX.

    MacDaddy - ...and it ain't ending anytime soon. Our people will continue to go thru tough times. We need to continue to look within for some of our own solutions as well...

  4. I'm not so sure this case was as much about race as it was about exercising caution in choosing the folks with whom you associate. This isn't to say that racially charged crimes are on the decrease. Quite the opposite (especially since Obama's election). But I hope race won't be interjected in the discussion if it doesn't belong.

    Still: at the end of the day, the tragic outcome of the story should be underscored more than anything else. Another person is senselessly killed and loved ones are left to mourn. That can't be disputed.

    I pray that justice will be found and peace will fall on those affected.


  5. Andre - I think that most who have investigated this case acknowledge that race had a role in the method of killing. The dragging death was eerily reminiscent of earlier hate crime in Jasper TX. However, time will tell ... the prosecutor is still considering the addition of race-based hate crime charges in this case...


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