January 3, 2009

New AfroSpear Member: The Intersection of Madness and Reality

Patrick 'RiPPa' Phillips created his blog, Intersection of Madness and Reality (BBR #552), back in April 2008. You could easily determine that this brother was bringing it strong when you saw that the title of his very first blog post was 'What If Hillary Was Black?'.

As such, it should come as no surprise to villagers that The AfroSpear recently welcome RiPPa as a new member. I look forward to the continuing evolution of this Memphis-based blog over the coming weeks and months.

Patrick shared his thoughts about the AfroSpear:

"I believe the goal of AfroSpear is to be an online representation of Black bloggers ... especially since Black bloggers have been recently under-represented at the Democratic National Conference. I think ultimately one of the goals of this group is to build a significant representation of progressive black bloggers."

Have any of you visited this blog in the past? If so, please take a moment to share your village voice with RiPPa and his blog reaaders that might find their way to this post.

Also, I would be interested in hearing your thoughts about The AfroSpear in our COMMENTS option below.


  1. Welcome aboard Patrick. I lived in Memphis for many years. Look forward to keeping up with your blog

  2. Thank you so much for the welcome. As I've mentioned before, this blog (Electronic Village), has been a bright spot in my existence here on the Blogosphere. I look forward to our continued interaction. More specifically, I look forward to us collectively making a difference.

  3. Welcome Patrick.

    I like to also point out that some AfroSpear blogs are finalists in various categories for the 2008 Weblog Awards

    Black Women Blow The Trumpet, field negro and TransGriot

    They are decided by votes and we all have tough competition, but it would be another coup for the AfroSpear if we could get a little help and support from AfroSpear members

  4. One of my favorite blogs. Love ya sense of humor, Rippa!

  5. Patrick - I'm glad that you're feelin' the love! Have a great 2009...

  6. Hi there!

    Congratulations, RiPPa, on joining the AfroSpear!!

    Thank you for dropping by my place to share with the sistas! I'll be in your kitchen real soon to see what's cooking!

    Peace, blessings and DUNAMIS!
    (President of The DaddyBStrong.Blogspot.com Fan Club! *giggles*)

  7. @ Monica

    Thanks for mentioning the AfroSpear crew that are finalists! (smiles)

    Angela over at NuVisionForANuDay is also a finalist and a blogging sista...Kevin over at The Black Sphere is not in the AfroSpear but is a blogging brotha...as is Tariq (who is commenter #1 in this thread). Zuky is not in the AfroSpear but she's a blogging sista. Pam's House Blened is also a sista blog.

    I linked to all of them at my blog so that everyone has some sunrays! (smiles)

    Since you mentioned the awards...it's okay for me to drop a link to my polling site, right? *LOL*
    The Weblog Awards


    Peace, blessings and DUNAMIS!


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