February 23, 2009

Alabama Senator Shelby Claims Obama is Not a US Citizen

Soulclap to Black Politics on the Web for pointing us to a town hall meeting in Cullman County, Alabama where U. S. Senator Richard Shelby spoke on rumors of President Obama’s citizenship.

The Cullman Times reports:

Another local resident asked Shelby if there was any truth to a rumor that appeared during the presidential campaign concerning Obama’s U.S. citizenship, or lack thereof. “Well his father was Kenyan and they said he was born in Hawaii, but I haven’t seen any birth certificate,” Shelby said. “You have to be born in America to be president.”

Villagers understand that Barack Obama was born in the state of Hawaii in 1961, a native citizen of the United States of America. Somebody point Senator Shelby to this blog post so that he can see Obama's birth certificate.


  1. This particularly evil bit of right wing insanity is all over the web. Reading the comments is like stepping back in time to some hate filled screed on slavery. The Republican Party who tolerate it should be ashamed of themselves.

  2. Jamie - I understand that the Republican Party is at a loss for leadership in the aftermath of McCain's loss. I hope that Shelby isn't on the list of future leaders for the party...

  3. Obviously they haven't read the 14th Amendment to the Constitution.


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