February 18, 2009

New York Post Condones 'Obama the Monkey' Cartoon

In a statement, Col Allan, editor in chief of The Post, denied Mr. Sharpton’s assertion that the cartoon was “racially charged.” Mr. Allan said:

The cartoon is a clear parody of a current news event, to wit the shooting of a violent chimpanzee in Connecticut. It broadly mocks Washington’s efforts to revive the economy. Again, Al Sharpton reveals himself as nothing more than a publicity opportunist.
I think that Col Allan and the New York Post are on the wrong side of history. You can blame Al Sharpton for many things ... but, I think that Sharpton is on point this time.

What say u?


  1. Ho hum...And here i thought we were being post racial...

  2. At best The Post was less than sensitive. I got the allusion, but I also get the slur.

  3. DJ - We're not there yet. I heard the new attorney general, Eric Holder, say that we are a 'nation of cowards' when it comes to dealing with race relations...

    Perigrin - It was not funny. It was not sensitive. It was simply a boorish and racist cartoon with no place in the American dialogue...


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