February 23, 2014

OURstory: W.E.B. DuBois (1868-1963)

We celebrate the fact W.E.B. DuBois was born on this date in 1868. He was an African American sociologist and one of the most important Black protest leaders in the United States during the first half of the 20th century.

W(illiam) E(dward) B(urghardt) DuBois was born in Great Barrington, MA. He graduated from Fisk University in 1888. He received a Ph.D. from Harvard University in 1895. His doctoral dissertation, The Suppression of the African Slave-Trade to the United States of America, 1638-1870, was published in 1896. Although DuBois took an advanced degree in history, he was broadly trained in the social sciences; and at a time when sociologists were theorizing about race relations, he was conducting inquiries into the condition of Blacks.

DuBois died on August 27, 1963 in Accra, Ghana. His autobiography was published in 1968. Click here to see directory of books by and about DuBois.
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  1. For that period in our history that was an amazing accomplishment, more than most people may realize.

  2. LC Auto Insurance - I agree with you. However, I think that many people do realize the power of his example. Although he died penniless in Ghana ... he is a true hero in American history. I'm glad to be able to use his birthday as a reminder of him as a person and a hero...

  3. DuBois is one of my favorites to quote. Especially on the ability that we have to function in two socities in different ways. It has been proven to be a valid social interaction for decades.

    He was truly an intellectual giant.

  4. Lady D - I agree with you. DuBois is truly a remarkable person in OURstory. It is a shame that he had to die alone in Ghana...


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