February 13, 2009

(Th)ink by Keith Knight: Chris Brown & Rihanna

(Th)ink is an editorial cartoon written and drawn
by cartoonist Keith Knight (the K Chronicles).


  1. Wayne this is funny, but wrong. I had so man comments this week over this mess I didn't know what to do. I have to stay away from the teen drama. Yes, we are dealing with a child, even if he's a rich child, it's evident that he's still young and maturing. I guess because I am raising boys I have a soft spot for Chris.

    I am sadden by what happened to Rihanna and my heart goes out to her as a women. It more embarrassing than anything , and I wish women would raise their girls to know how to get out of a relationship before things get this bad. We always tell men not to hit women, but we also tell them not to be punks. These conflicting messages don't work when a man feels threatened. We need to teach both girls and boys how to let go and move on. All it takes it one bad moment and lives can be destroyed...

    Domestic violence needs to more comprehensive, and it needs to involve the education of both girls and boys...

  2. The really sad thing is that this happens far too often in our community. We have come to accept that some level of violence is "normal." Both Chris and Rihanna came from abusive backgrounds, so not a good mix right there. Chris is not the only rapper beating on women but hopefully this incident will spark thoughtful discussion, awareness and change.


  3. I agree with everything previous commenter's said. They are both children, who were not taught something essential so they had to learn by trial and error. Unfortunately that error has had drastic, lasting and damaging ramifications.
    I pray for them both.

  4. Mrs. Grapevine, Karen and Regina - Oddly, I was just talking about Chris Brown with my 16-year old daughter a few days before this incident. I had just seen 'This Christmas' and thought he was a great talent. She said that she liked him as well. Then this nonsense. I don't think that I understand the idea of domestic violence. I can't see where it is ever acceptable to hit a woman ... especially a woman that you claim to love.

  5. I can't believe Mr.Knight chose to trivialize the battery of a woman. I'm amazed at the jokes, rumors and age references that lay a light hand on a horrific situation.

    Utterly disgusting.

    Woman battery will never been funny. But jokes like this empower those that would like to see it treated with less severity.
    Chris is old enough to have a sexual relationship and earn more money than most of us will ever see.
    He's old enough to be imprisoned for beating a woman like she's a man.

    I liked this cartoonist before this. But this is a whole new level of depravity.

    The sisters in the community need to be protected from this kind of misogyny.


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