March 15, 2009

Sunday Inspiration: The Canton Spirituals

I was driving around town yesterday to do some chores. While I was flipping through the stations to find something to listen to on the radio a song came on that knocked me down. I never heard the song before. I never heard of the group that sings the song. In fact, I came to the channel after the song was already in progress ... so all I had was the song itself.

Through the magic of the Internet I was able to locate the 'Clean Up' song performed by The Canton Spirituals.

I have no idea what you'll think when you hear this song ... I do hope that you'll give a small prayer for me as you listen! [James 5:16]

Your Villager has a wide smile on his face. It is overwhelming to realize that God ain't finished with me yet! [1 John 1:9]



    It reminds me of the trip I took with my uncle and my grandparents to Canada a loooonnngggg time ago!!!

    Thanks for the trip down memory lane! :)

  2. Hey Villager!

    Everybody's feeling it because they can relate, and so can I!

  3. We were all taught as children to clean up what we mess up. Shame that message gets forgotten until a good song reminds us.

  4. Hotep Villager!

    Cleaning up and renewal is the message for the day. I can relate to the message that the Canton Spirituals are sharing.

    Great post. Be blessed!

  5. KMB & Shelia - I appreciate your comments. It seems that I'm the only person in America who hadn't heard this song before (smile)...

    Jamie - Sometimes as adults we think we are invincible ... that we can't be touched. At those moments we do things that our parents would never condone. I think in the Bible it speaks of how 'Pride' can bring you down if you have too much of it. Anyhow, I agree with you ... it is a shame that we don't carry those childhood basics into our adult decisions...

  6. You can feel the energy in this inspirational song! I have got to put a link to your EV page for this song and share in my Facebook profile. Julius

  7. Julius - Link love is always good!


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