April 18, 2014

Unique Building * The Torre Galatea (Figueres, Spain)

The first thing you notice are the giant egg sculptures along the roofline. Then it hits you that the Salvador Dali Theater Museum in Figueras, Spain, is no ordinary building. The museum’s tower, Torre Galatea, was named for the surrealist artist’s deceased wife, and Dali himself lived there until his death in 1989. Interestingly, the museum sits next to the parish church where Dali was baptized in 1904; he is buried in an unmarked crypt in the museum’s main exhibition hall.

I've never been to Spain, however, if I were to go ... this is a building I would want to visit. What sights would you see if you went to Spain?
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  1. Absolutely amazing! I'm going back to Spain. I'll make a point to visit it.

    By the way, Wayne, I'm doing a Poet You Should Know series all this week through Sunday over at daddyBstrong.blogspot.com Yesterday, I posted on West Coast poet Wanda Coleman. Today, I just finished posting on the great Margaret Walker. Tomorrow, who knows? Come on by and check it, bro. Blessings.

  2. MacDaddy - I enjoyed reading the first two poets in your blog series. I'll be back all week!

  3. All - Reviewing these comments and reflecting on the untimely death of MacDaddy. Tomorrow is not promised...

    Carolyn - You are the only world traveler that I know ... have you been to this building in Spain?


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