April 13, 2009

Will Brandon McClelland's Killers Go Free?

This blog named Paris, TX as the most racist city in America. Therefore, we can't feign surprise when Shannon Finley and Charles Ryan Crostley, the two white fellas that dragged Brandon McClelland to his death, appear to be on a glide path to freedom.

Ain't no easy time to be a Blackman in America...


  1. Villager: You got it right: Ain't a good time to be a black man in America: Recently, I confronted a white security guard at a supermarket who had been following me, asking him why he kept following me. He backed away, but in a few minutes, about 4 cops showed up. Luckily, I knew one of them, a black cop, and one with some kind of rank. They let me go. When I got home, my hands started shaking. And all I was doing was shopping in the ethnic section.

  2. MacDaddy - Thank you for sharing your village voice on this blog post. I feel for ya. We are both grown-azzed men. There is no reason for us to be stopped for shopping...

    Stay strong my brother!


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