July 18, 2009

President's Weekly Address: 'Health Care Reform Cannot Wait'

The President calls on Congress to seize this opportunity – one that may not come again for decades – and finally pass health care reform:
"It’s about every family unable to keep up with soaring out of pocket costs and premiums rising three times faster than wages. Every worker afraid of losing health insurance if they lose their job, or change jobs. Everyone who’s worried that they may not be able to get insurance or change insurance if someone in their family has a pre-existing condition..."

My view on health care reform: I'm self-employed. I don't currently have health insurance. As such, I watch this legislative process closely. I figure that health care insurance should be like automobile insurance ... it should be mandated. I worked for the federal government for 23 years. I remember clearly how nice the health care options were as a government employee. I figure that all citizens should have the same options given to government employees. I'm in favor of the so-called 'public option'.

What say u?

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