September 30, 2010

Large 50-Ft Snake Found Dead (Video)

I don't have any real reason to share this video with y'all ... I don't like snakes much. However, this video had an impact on me...

...did it have impact on you as well? (smile)


  1. Lol, yeah I remember this one, damn near stroked out when I saw this.

  2. was not expecting that at this time of the morning....*wiping my coffee off my desk, pjs, face...*

  3. Mike and Marci - Yeah, it rocked me outta my seat when I saw it as well. I felt that villagers would enjoy the experience! :)

  4. This was good! Got my Heart Racing!

  5. that's a big snake , but it didn't look deceased to me.

  6. Danielle & JJ Brock - Well, it looked dead in the first 20 seconds of the video ... but, those final 2 seconds?!? :)


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