October 12, 2009

Pam Spaulding is an Ultimate Game Changer in Politics

HuffPost's Game Changers celebrates 100 innovators, visionaries, and leaders in 10 categories who are harnessing the power of new media to reshape their fields and change the world. Huffington Post is the top-ranked blog in the world. As such, it is truly an honor to be selected by them for these categories.

Our village is very happy to announce that one of our AfroSpear kinfolk, Pam Spaulding (Pam's House Blend) has been selected as one of the 10 people who are changing the game in Politics.

Villagers are encouraged to take a moment to cast an online vote for Pam as the Ultimate Politics Game Changer. HuffPost will reveal the Ultimate 10 in November.


  1. Good for you Pam. Keep bringing the truth!

  2. Pam deserves the nomination and the ultimate selection. Congratulations Pam! I voted for Pam too.

  3. Congrats to Pam and her team. She/they deserves it.


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