October 14, 2009

Wordless Wednesday: Malia and Sasha


  1. America has two children in the White House ... Malia Anne (the eldest) was born in 1998 and followed by Natasha ("Sasha"), in 2001.

  2. The beautiful faces of the White House. They represent America and are doing a find job!

    Happy WW~

  3. I’m having a hard time concentrating and getting my some work done. But my dissertation is still on my mind. So I did a quick blog post to get settled. Check out my Wordless Wednesday this week: Me & the Field Mice

  4. It does the nation good to have a leader with a young family. Blair was the first British Prime Minister to take children into 10 Downing St in many, many years. Happy WW

  5. Such beautiful girls. I still can't quite believe they are the "first kids" of the United States. It still thrills me to see such a loving Black family at the helm of this nation.

  6. Shelly and Ajuan - Our nation is truly blessed with our current First Family.

    Danielle - I'm heading over to see your WW entry this week.

    Jams - I had no idea about Prime Minister Blair having young 'uns. Thanx for sharing...

  7. Two beautiful girls. They are going to be stunning women. God bless their family...Our First Family!

  8. Nice photos of the girls. They look so happy.


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