November 8, 2009

Why Do We Keep Doubting Barack Obama?

I wonder when folks will stop doubting President Obama? His vision is more long-range than the rest of us. He doesn't float with the wind on important decisions.

He demonstrated his long-range vision when he ran for office in the United States Senate. We learned that he doesn't sweat the small stuff when he beat Hilary Clinton and others in the Democratic primary. Others focused on the rhetoric from his opponents while Obama focused on getting any delegates to be nominated as his party's candidate for president. We were concerned when Obama didn't lash out against McCain, Palin and Joe the Plumber during the general election. Obama didn't sweat the small stuff ... instead he ran a campaign that resulted in a landslide victory a year ago.

Many Obama supporters clamored for him to take a more visible role in the health insurance reform debate in the past weeks and months. Obama set the direction of the debate ... then quietly and confidently worked with Speaker Nancy Pelosi and others to get a historic bill passed last night. Heck, we even saw our Republican buddy from New Orleans voting in favor of the bill.

I imagine that many villagers are going to begin to worry about whether or not Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid will be able to get the 60 votes he needs to bring a health insurance reform to the floor for a vote. I'm putting my confidence in the President and his team. How about you?


  1. I admit it! I am guilty! I'm sure you and others remember my Yo Barry! Let Me Holla at You post, to which you so aptly reminded me that he's got it all under control. You were absolutely correct and as we saw in the campaign and election, he's remains smarter than most - if not - all of us! All I can say is that I'd never challenge the POTUS in a game of chess (and I play pretty good) cause I'm sure he'd check and mate me before I made the first move and I'd be white!

    As for Harry. Well this will be very interesting. Harry is in the fight of his life to stay in DC as the gentleman from NV let alone keeping his majority leader status. But, while I don't put to much stock in what Harry can do in this situation, I am confident that Team Obama will prevail. And when the dust clears, if good ole former VP hopeful Joe is not part of the 60 he'll never hold another chairmanship again. In fact, I suspect he won't seek re-election and go back to Connecticut.

  2. Sojourner - I feel ya on that chess analogy. Hmmm, would you like to play some online chess on Facebook?

    re: Harry Reid. You have a closer take on him than most. I figure that his best chance for re-election is to get health care legislation passed ... so I anticipate that he will pull out all of the stops to get a bill passed so that he can have the congratulatory press conference like the one that Nancy Pelosi had last night.

    At the end of the day ... my money remains with Team Obama on this one!

  3. People tend to be fickle and easily swayed. As my mother always says, "If you don't stand for something you will fall for anything". I like what he stands for, and likes that he stands by what he says and does. I put my faith not in the man but in what GOD can do through this man. I voted for him and stick by my vote and would do it again given the opportunity.
    Extremely sad that a lot of the nay-sayers are of our "own" persuasion.
    As soon as things appear to get rough folk are ready to jump ship. Our current president is ALWAYS faced with adversaries from the other side and sadly from his own side.

  4. Let's not forget that this is a society that honestly believes in quick, fast and in a hurry as a lifestyle. It also applies to politics. I am amazed at the number of people who thought when Obama took over the Oval Office that he could just push his agenda without any problems. Our political system has been full of landmines and pot holes for a long time.

    I have observed that Obama has a grace under fire that he has openly displayed since the campaign. He seems to be able to stay the course even when it looks like he's off course. There is/was so much off course when he took office, I am impressed that his hair is not stark white!

  5. Lady D - No question but that Obama's job is difficult. I've noticed that he does have quite abit more grey hairs today than he did a year ago. However, I still have nothing but confidence in his ability to bring home his agenda.

    It is important that health care reform gets completed this year. Next hurdle is the US Senate.

    Once this is done he can focus on jobs, jobs and more jobs!

  6. Regina - I agree with your sentiment about the part that God is playing in this process. You remind me that we all need to continue to keep President Obama in our prayers. We need to keep moving forward with a federal government that deals with the major issues that are out there.

    Personally, I hope that Obama pulls out of Afghanistan. I have no idea what he will do ... but, I would like to see that war ended. Let the Afghans figure out their own destiny.

  7. Villager that chess game sounds like a plan, cause Mafia Wars is making me way too aggressive! Gotta go whack somebody right now. LOL

    As far for Harry, well the Repubs hate him and the Dems are none to please with him either. Heaven forbid if there is a formidable Dem candidate that emerges to take challenge him for his seat. I am, however, very anxious to see how all this plays out in the senate - very interested indeed.

  8. Sojourner - I guess we shouldn't be surprised that Reid is being challenged at home. It seems that a number of Speakers have failed to be re-elected while in office ... not much of a stretch to imagine the same thing happening to a Senate Majority Leader. I understand Reid is extremely smart guy ... so I figure that he will do what it takes. Hey, he got y'all a train from LA to Las Vegas as part of the stimulus package! :)

  9. I'm with you on this one, Villager. And as MsLady Deborah has already said, folks are so accustomed to everything fast that if it doesn't happen overnight they think it's all over. It may be awhile before folks finally understand that this President is much more deep than a sound bite.

    And hopefully they will also understand that he really isn't Jesus Christ. He will make mistakes, and likely more than one or two. When those times hit, those of us who are supporters need to remind ourselves of the overall vision - and then refresh our rearview vision of where we are coming from...


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