November 11, 2009

Lou Dobbs Resigns From CNN

The pressure continued to build against Lou Dobbs over his near-racist rants on CNN. Tonight we learn that the pressure got to be more than Dobbs could handle. He announced his resignation tonight on his show.

LOU DOBBS: Tonight, I want to turn to a personal note, if I may, and address a matter that has raised some curiosity. This will be my last broadcast here on CNN, where I've worked for most of the past 30 years and where I have many friends and colleagues whom I admire deeply and respect greatly.

I'm the last of the original anchors here on CNN and I'm proud to have had the privilege of helping to build the world's first news network. I'm grateful for the many opportunities that CNN has given me over these many years. I've tried to reciprocate with a full measure of my ability and my energy.

Over the past six months, it's become increasingly clear that strong winds of change have begun buffeting this country and affecting all of us, and some leaders in media, politics, and business have been urging me to go beyond the role here at CNN and to engage in constructive problem-solving, as well as to contribute positively to a better understanding of the great issues of our day and to continue to do so in the most honest and direct language possible.

I've talked extensively with Jonathan Klein -- Jon's the president of CNN -- and as a result of those talks, John and I have agreed to a release from my contract that will enable me to pursue new opportunities.

At this point, I'm considering a number of options and directions, and I assure you, I will let you know when I set my course. I truly believe that the major issues of our time include the growth of our middle class, the creation of more jobs, health care, immigration policy, the environment, climate change, and our military involvement, of course, in Afghanistan and Iraq. But each of those issues is, in my opinion, informed by our capacity to demonstrate strong resilience of our now-weakened capitalist economy and demonstrate the political will to overcome the lack of true representation in Washington, D.C. I believe these to be profoundly, critically important issues, and I will continue to strive to deal honestly and straightforwardly with those issues in the future.

Unfortunately, these issues are now defined in the public arena by partisanship and ideology rather than by rigorous, empirical thought and forthright analysis and discussion. I'll be working diligently to change that as best I can. And as for the important work of restoring inspiration to our great, free society and our market economy, I will strive as well to be a leader in that national conversation.

It's been my great honor to work with each and every person at this wonderful network. I will be eternally grateful to CNN, to Ted Turner, and to all of my colleagues and friends and, of course, to you at home. I thank you, and may God bless you.

The news continues for the rest of this hour, and I'll be right back after this.

I think that this is a good news message. Maybe Roland Martin can find some airtime on CNN now!


  1. Dobbs is the one who helped in his removal from CNN. Apparently he doesn't realize that a large portion of the thinking population realized that he was pushing an agenda. One that was obviously designed to create division, chaos and mayhem.

    I won't miss him because I very seldom wasted time watching him on the air.

  2. As an independent voice, Dobbs wasn't too bad a few years ago. He has always been on the immigration kick and that has and was always my point of contention with him.

    However, within the last year or so, he has gone completely wacko and became somewhat of an ideologue himself all the while claiming to be an independent.

    I knew it was going to be a matter of time before he folded. Especially after his house was shot at a few weeks ago.

  3. I just read what RiPPa said, and all I can do is co-sign. What he said.

    'Bye Lou. And not a minute too soon.

  4. Lady D - I have to admit that I'm a little surprised by the recent turn of events. Dobbs was a longtime CNN anchor ... and he was fairly legit for many years. He had a hard-on about immigration ... but, he didn't seem like a wingnut. However, when he started giving traction to the 'Birther' movement ... it became evident that he was truly bothered by having a Black man in the White House as POTUS. Anyhow, I'm glad he's gone. Glenn Beck should be next...

  5. RiPPa and Keith - I tend to agree with you both. In any case, I'm glad Dobbs is gone. No victory lap. No parades. No CNN retrospectives on his career. Just leave silently into the night. Good riddance.

  6. "No victory lap. No parades. No CNN retrospectives on his career. Just leave silently into the night." You caught that, too? I mean they did "do" anything for him! I agree, "good riddance".

  7. Sojourner - Where do you think Lou Dobbs will pop up next? Will he be running for political office? On a Fox News television show? Or does he just fade away?

  8. @Villager: His radio show is still strong. I think he'll stick to radio and get even stronger as a result.


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