November 1, 2009

Taser Cops That Killed Brian Cardall Get Updated Taser-Training

I wonder why it took so long for Hurricane police officer Ken Thompson and his mates to get updated training on the use of Tasers. It would seem that killing an innocent citizen on the streets of Utah would cause a quicker response from the Hurrican Police Department.

The sessions covered a recommendation by Taser International that suggests its products be fired, whenever possible, at an area below a person’s chest, said Hurricane Assistant Police Chief Shayne Copeland. [SOURCE]

The company’s new guidelines — announced Oct. 12 — remind officers that firing the weapon’s twin barbs at the chest area still remains an option and says the change "has less to do with safety and more to do with effective risk management for law enforcement agencies."

The training sessions come nearly five months after the death of Brian Cardall, who was stunned twice with a Taser by a Hurricane police officer in an incident that is still under investigation.

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