January 29, 2010

Old School Friday: Fiona Apple

The theme for the weekly Old School Friday meme is Let's Get Busy! At first I was going to post a song that helped me 'get busy' in the bedroom. However, I decided to go in a different direction with a song that was written almost 60 years ago for Frank Sinatra --- Why Try to Change Me Now.

I'm celebrating a birthday tomorrow. I'm resolved that I need to 'get busy' strengthening the bonds that I have with the people currently in my life. There seems to be little point in trying to re-invent myself ... and I'm too old to simply want to 'get busy' in the bedroom for its own sake. Anyhow, I was touched by the lyrics from this song ... even though the lyrics were written before I was born.

I hope you enjoy the flow from Fiona Apple as she sings this song:

Instead of spending precious time trying to change who I have become ... I think that I'm going to 'get busy' enjoying who I am ... and surrounding myself with people who enjoy me as I am.


  1. Very nice! I haven't heard Fiona Apple in a long time, nice choice and nice showcase of her voice.
    Have a great day!

  2. Great choice!

    Happy Birthday! Some of my favorite people are Aquarians!

    Happy OSF!

  3. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Big Bro!!!

    Nice Choice.

    HAPPY OSF!!!

    GET BUSY... U've EARNED it!!!

  4. Villager,

    This is a hauntingly beautiful song, and Fiona Apple has without question been doing some poking around inside Billie Holiday's closet wouldn't you say? She pulls it off well, though. And I can just hear how Frank must have done it.

    Excellent choice, and Happy OSF!

  5. I like your take on the theme. Good choice but most of all HAPPY BIRTHDAY! :-)


  6. All - Thank you for sharing your thoughts on my OSF entry this week. I hope to be more consistent in support of this weekly meme in the future.

    Keith - There was another Black singer who published the song as well. I think his name was Brooks Benton.


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