February 2, 2010

NAACP Legislative Report Card

Do you know how your Members of Congress voted in the past year?

The NAACP has just released its Congressional Report Card for the first session of the 111th Congress, which illustrates how your Senators and Representatives voted on key civil rights, economic justice, health care and criminal justice issues - to name just a few.

Click here to see how your representatives voted on crucial civil rights issues and hold them accountable.

According to the latest report card, 59% of Senators and 47% of House Members received an "A" by the NAACP, a significant step up from last year. Some important milestones measured in the report include votes taken on important legislation such as the Hate Crimes Prevention Act, the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, and the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP).

A number of our members of congress have yet to show their commitment to fundamental civil and human rights. In fact, 29% of Senators and 34% of House Members received the failing grade of "F" on the report card.

My representation here in Ohio is mixed. Rep. Jean Schmidt (R-OH) is my congressional representative. She received a "F" grade. One of my two senators is George Voinovich (R-OH) also received a failing grade. The only redeeming legislative value in Ohio appears to be Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH). He received an 'A' grade with 100% voting record according to the NAACP scale.

How did your congressional delegation do on the NAACP Legislative Report Card for CY-2009?

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