April 10, 2010

Michael Steele Speaks at Confederate History Month Conference in New Orleans

I understand that Michael Steele will be a keynoter at the Southern Republican Leadership Conference ... affectionately known in my circles as the 'Confederate History Month' Conference. Tiger Woods got a very good welcome-back from the crowds in Augusta. For some reason I don't think that the GOP audience in New Orleans is going to give that same warm welcome to Steele.

Other Republican Party leaders planning to attend the conference include former Alaska governor Sarah Palin, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, Gov. Haley Barbour (R-MS), former senator Rick Santorum, and Gov. Tim Pawlenty (R-MN).

I wonder if Virginia governor Bob McDonnell is planning on flying the Confederate flag at this conference in New Orleans?


  1. I hope that Micheal Steele steps really correct at this all things Dixie-fest. That would mean addressing slavery straight up front.

  2. Michael Steele has hit rock bottom. Somehow, I have to believe that it is getting more and more difficult for him to sleep at night.

  3. Lady D and Max - It seems that Steele gave his speech to a hall that was only half-filled. Also, he had to cancel a fundraiser in New Orleans for lack of interest. I think that these are important signs that the GOP has a number of cracks in its comeback-armor.

  4. Why does every keep representing the losers. That flag should be burnt, Elvis should remain dead and life moves on.


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