April 3, 2010

Obama's Weekly Address: Holy Day (or Holiday) Message

In this week of Easter, Passover, and faithful celebration, the President uses his address to offer his holiday greeting and to call on people of all faiths and nonbelievers to remember our shared spirit of humanity.

This blog joins with the President in wishing a Happy Easter to all villagers!

My favorite Easter memory is from childhood ... my parents used to hide eggs in the backyard and we would look for them. We used hard-boiled eggs and often there was an egg or two that was never discovered for a few weeks ... and it was a rotten mess when we found it!

The other Easter tradition that used to be active in our family was 'new clothes'. We would always get new clothes for Easter Sunday trip to church ... and my father would always take a photo of us with in the yard.

What is your favorite memory of Easter?

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