April 30, 2010

Taser Death: Adil Jouamai (Arlington, VA)

32-year old Adil Jouamai is dead after an Arlington County Police officer shocked him with a taser. Officers responded to reports of a psychiatric emergency at the Wildwood Park Apartments earlier today. Police said he did not live in the apartment but was visiting family there. It was a relative who called police after the man became distressed. Police say they found Jouamai inside the apartment when they arrived. [SOURCE]

The naked man refused all verbal commands and was combative with the officers, police say.

An unidentified officer then pumped Adil Jouamai with 50,000 volts of electricity from a taser gun. Moments later, officers noticed he was not breathing. Medics already on the scene took Jouamai to a local hospital where he was pronounced dead. An autopsy will determine the cause of death.

Police have not said whether Jouamai was armed. The incident remains under investigation.

This is the 2nd taser-related death in Arlington, VA in 2010. William Bumbrey was killed in January 2010.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! This is so sad. I know that they are trying really hard not to use guns. However, tasers are just as worst and just as deadly.


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