May 9, 2010

Taser Autopsy: Hatchel Pate Adams III (Hampton VA)

36-year old Hatchel Pate Adams III was killed by taser-happy police in Hampton, Virginia last year. The state medical examiner blames his death on everything accept the 50,000 volts of electricity that were shot into his body by an unidentified police officer.

About 11 p.m. on Dec. 10, police went to Adams' home to serve an emergency custody order to determine if Adams was a threat to himself or others.

He refused to open the door, but a family member came to the scene and let police in. After Adams swung a samurai-style sword at the officers and the officers used the Taser. Police used the Taser a second time and Adams stopped breathing.

Assistant chief medical exampiner Wendy Gunther completed the autopsy on Mr. Adams. The cause of death is listed as: "Excited delirium in addition to mental illness in addition to methamphetamine use in addition to obesity in addition to subdual by police."

"...subdual by police... ?"

Where do they get these terms?

Anyhow, Adams' death was the first involving a Taser since Hampton police began using them in 2003. Police spokeswoman Paula Scheck said the four officers placed on administrative leave after the incident are back to work.

She said the incident didn't violate any department policies and was ruled justified. "They were defending themselves from someone wielding a samurai sword at them," she said.

I keep thinking to myself that the family member who opened up the door for the four unidentified police officers is feeling terrible ... I can't imagine that he thought that his fam (Hatchel Pate Adams) was going to be killed that day.

36 years on earth ... and killed by taser-happy police. Something simply isn't right!

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