July 4, 2010

Sunday Inspiration: Deonte Bridges' Valedictorian speech

I was nudged twice in the past week by people that I respect. Each of them introduced me to Deonte Bridges. I had never heard of the young man before this week. However, any youngster that can earn over $1 million in scholarships for his college education is worthy of attention.

I invite all villagers to listen to his four-minute Valedictorian speech before fellow graduates, faculty, staff and parents at Booker T. Washington High School's graduation ceremony on May 28, 2010, at the Atlanta Civic Center.

What are your thoughts after listening to this young man?


  1. Villager, I can not even begin to tell you how impressed I am with this young man, but I sent the
    links to scores of my email friends. I was very moved by his speech and the ending was second to none!

  2. Iya - He is a remarkable young man. His parents and family must be very, very happy...


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