August 10, 2010

Good News Tuesday: D Ephraim (BDPA Twin Cities)

Many villagers know that I'm active with BDPA ... a national organization that strives to advance African Americans in the information technology industry 'from the classroom to the boardroom'. There are 45 local BDPA chapters around the nation. No chapter has improved more over the last four years (2006-2009) in the national High School Computer Competition (HSCC) championships than BDPA Twin Cities.

One reason for their success is the powerful training offered by Michael Wulf and others. Another reason is the powerful intelligence and drive of its students ... such as D Ephraim.

He shared his thoughts with us:

My name is D Ephraim. I am a graduate of Edina High School and currently attending Normandale Community College with plans to transfer to the University of Minnesota in winter 2010. I plan to double major in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. I have been interested in computers and programming all my life and BDPA has given me the chance to display what I've learned.

The High School Computer Competition (HSCC) was one of the most exciting things I've ever been a part of. It gave me and my team a chance to reap the fruits of our labor. We worked for months and months to advance our craft and be the best programmers we could be. I really enjoyed the whole weekend and meeting people like me from across the country was interesting. My team came in 9th in my first year (2008) and 4th in my second year (2009). I am very thankful for being a part of such a phenomenal program.

D earned a Jesse Bemley Scholarship for the high performance of his team at the 2009 HSCC championships in Raleigh NC. He is using that scholarship to continue his education at community college.

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