September 19, 2010

The BDPA Insider (Sep 19-25)

I am a longtime member of group of African American IT professionals. This is weekly ezine produced by past national BDPA president Milt Haynes. What better way to start the week than with your message from BDPA!

In this issue:
  • BDPAtoday September 14, 2010 [USA Edition]
  • Message from Northern Delaware Chapter President
  • HSCC Testimonial: Joseph Huggins, Jr. (BDPA Chicago)
  • NCWIT Award for Aspirations in Computing
  • Are BDPA Members Using Second Life?
  • BDPA Newsletters from Chapters Around the Country
  • Responsible Social Media for Young Men
  • The White House Briefing Room, 9/15/2010 (David Segura)
Click here for "The BDPA Insider" Archives.
  1. BDPAtoday September 14, 2010 [USA Edition] -- Hotep! This e-newsletter is produced by the BDPA Education and Technology Foundation on any day that an event is occurring around the country. BETF exists to conduct, promote and support educational programs for students of African descent and others in the information technology industry.  Click here for the full article
  2. Message from Northern Delaware Chapter President -- Where does the time go! Here we are approaching the start of another school year and another National BDPA conference has come to a close. This is the time of year that we focus on bringing the year to a close with our Annual Banquet as well as formulating a strategic plan for organizational growth. 2010 has been a very productive year thus far.   Click here for the full article.
  3. HSCC Testimonial: Joseph Huggins, Jr. (BDPA Chicago) -- Joseph Huggins Jr. graduated from high school earlier this year. He made the decision to accept a commission with the US Navy. He left on July 27th for the Naval Academy Prep School in Newport, Rhode Island. There he will receive 10 months of extra academic and military training before being transferred to the Academy in Annapolis, Maryland.   Click here for the full article.
  4. NCWIT Award for Aspirations in Computing -- The NCWIT Award for Aspirations in Computing honors young women at the high-school level for their computing-related achievements and interests. There are scores of young women participating in BDPA youth education programs all over the nation. My hope is that our BDPA chapter leaders will make a point of nominating their top female high school computer competition (HSCC) alumni for this award! Click here for the full article.
  5. Are BDPA Members Using Second Life? -- Philena Rush gave an outstandingpresentation on Second Life at the August 2010 program meeting hosted by BDPA Columbus chapter. Kai Dupe made a Second Life presentation at the 2007 BDPA Conference in Washington DC. Click here for the full article.
  6. BDPA Newsletters from Chapters Around the Country -- BETF-Blog Readers, would you like to see information about programs and services being offered all over BDPA nation? Check out this blog posting for some recent newsletters issued from around the country. You can find repository of prior BDPA newsletters in the files section of ourBDPA-Communications YahooGroup. You may need to subscribe to the BDPA-Communications YG before you can download the files located in that repository. Click here for the full article.
  7. Responsible Social Media for Young Men -- Last week I spoke to a group of local high school boys about how to safely and responsibly use tools like Facebook and Twitter. As you can probably guess, those tools are very popular with kids these days. The problem is, they many times use them inappropriately or recklessly. Click here for the full article.
  8. The White House Briefing Room, 9/15/2010 (David Segura) -- President Obama Announces More Key Administration Posts. Today, President Barack Obama announced his intent to appoint the following individuals to key administration posts including: David H. Segura, Appointee for Member, Advisory Committee for Trade Policy and Negotiations. Click here for the full article.
  9. 2011 National BDPA Conference Registration Now Open -- Please accept our invitation to join us in the City of the Big Shoulders by registering for the 33rd Annual National BDPA Conference, August 3-6, 2011 at the Hilton Chicago. Early bird registration for $350 now open! Click here to register for the 2011 National BDPA Conference today!

Here are some ways for you to stay connected with BDPA:

This message has been brought to you by the BDPA Social Networking Team or you can contact the BDPA Social Networking Team by email. Please share this information with your friends, co-workers, church members and other villagers so that they can get more involvement with this important organiation. The key is that we must share what we know with others so we can all grow and prosper. As the African proverb reminds us: "Small trickles of water make a flood."

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