November 17, 2010

Wordless Wednesday: Sextuplets in Ohio


  1. Mia and Rozonno McGhee are the Ohio couple shown in the photo with their six infants (four boys and two girls), Isaac, Josiah, Elijah, Rozonno, Madison and Olivia, who were born on June 9

    At birth, their combined weight was nine and a half pounds. "Our concerns early on, of course, were what everyone's were...respiratory status, well their digestive system was working," said nurse Monica Terez.

    According to the McGhees, the babies are all doing well; they are eating, sleeping, and wetting diapers.

    The babies are the first set of sextuplets born in Ohio, so they were subjected to quite a bit of fanfare, starting with the hospital personnel, who gave them a party before they left.

    The McGhees certainly have their hands full and are relying on friends, family and church members to help them with their new brood. The infants currently go through about 300 diapers a week, 48 bottles a day and more formula than anyone can count. Thankfully, there are church members who have also volunteered for night duty as well, so the babies will be covered 24/7.

    The McGhees have also been deluged with baby gifts and will attend yet another baby shower at a local church center on Sept. 25, which will cover their babies' remaining needs.

    Less than 200 deliveries of sextuplets have occurred in the United States.

  2. This is such a beautiful story. God bless this family and their supporting loved ones, churches, hospital, pediatricians and communities.

  3. All - It's been over a year since the birth of these sextuplets. I haven't heard anything since then. I pray that the family is doing well.


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